Save On Electricity - How To Save On Electric Bills
This article
discusses several ways to save on electricity. By doing so, you
ultimately save on electric bills. Have a good read!
When you
forego a family road trip for a stay at home holiday trying to
save money, you certainly won’t be making any significant
progress if the air conditioner is going to be run at 16
degrees Celsius all summer long!
In spite of
no concrete rise in oil and commodity price tags due to the
economy still down on its knees, prices for electric energy
utilized at home are forecast to shoot up by 4.7% in the
current year as compared to the previous year. And worse,
another spike of 3.3% is being expected in the next year. Isn’t
it high time that you learnt how to save on electricity? When
you save on electricity, not only do you save money, but you
also minimize carbon emissions! (The more electricity you use,
the more coal is burnt at power stations resulting in an
increased amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the
Here is a
compilation of guidelines to follow so that even if electricity
prices rise, your bill isn’t affected.
Get Your Equipment is Shape
an HVAC inspection: It is important to check up on the
ventilation, air conditioning and heating system of your house
to ensure that they are performing at their optimal. In order
to do so, you need to get hold of a professional technician. A
leakage can amount to up to 20% energy loss, severely draining
your wallet. Hiring a technician will cost you about a hundred
dollars but it will help you save on electricity worth
thousands of dollars every year.
critical of size: The next time you go out to shop for
something, be careful of the size you choose. For example if
you are to buy an AC, should you buy a 1.5 ton AC or a 2 ton
AC? Let your need judge what size is better. Buying the bigger
one for a small room will give you the same output as a smaller
one, but it will surely consume more energy.
Get rid
of Dirt: From air conditioners to light bulbs to plugs to
sockets, keep them all free of dirt. Changing the air filter
will allow uninterrupted air flow hence less energy
As a result
of owning an energy efficient home, you will be able to save on
electricity and additionally benefit from tax
guidelines to save on electricity and slash your electric bills
continue on the next page how to save on electric
bills. See you there!